Tuesday, January 9, 2007

38 weeks

Went to the dr. again tonight. He checked me and I'm at 2cm!!! He said that with all this past weekends happening he wouldn't be too surprised if I went into labor soon. We reviewed my charts from when I had Nathan, and at my last appointment before having him I was dilated to 2-3cm. Even though I was induced with Nathan, when they hooked me up I was having contractions every 12 minutes or so, so I'm hopeful we are moving in the right direction this time. I'm still not sure I'll know it when I am in labor right away, but I know eventually there will be no doubt. I am so happy that I'm making progress and the dr. seems hopeful it won't be long now. Since this is baby #3 I think my body finally has it figured out. I lost the 1/2 pound that I had gained last week, so that's good news. No more weight gain. If you are like me you are all looking forward to the post that says the baby has arrived.

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