Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Megan

Today is Megan's third birthday, and guess how we're celebrating? By being sick! Yep that's right, Megan is unlucky enough to have gotten a stomach virus just in time for her birthday. :( She's feeling much better this afternoon thankfully, and just needs some rest to hopefully be back to her old self tomorrow. It's so hard to believe that 3 years ago right now our sweet little girl was only an hour old. She has grown into quite the little person with her own way of doing things. She is very independent and headstrong, which will be both a very good and very bad thing as she gets older. I will be surprised if she grows up to be a crowd follower. I fully expect her to go her own way in life, regardless of what anyone else tries to tell her. I fear this will mean lots of head-butting between the two of us in her teenage years, but what mother and daughter don't go through that?
I can't wait to see what the next year will bring for Megan. With our family growing again, and her getting involved in dance recently, I'm sure we are in for a lot of changes with her. I'm so sad my little princess is growing up, but I know it's going to be quite the adventure with her.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

20 weeks

I had my 20 week ultrasound today, and baby #5 looks great. I unfortunately have a low-lying placenta, but after talking to a few other women about it, I'm early enough it should move up and not cause us any problems. There is no guarantee it will move, but it generally does, so I'm hoping things work out. I go back in 6 weeks for another ultrasound to see if it has moved up.
Later I will scan the one really good picture we got today, but for now enjoy the picture of my ever growing belly (and butt apparently as my butt grew a ton).

and for comparison this was my 16 week picture:
15 weeks 5 days

Monday, January 11, 2010

10 days

10 days since my last post, and sadly you missed nothing. Last Monday the kids went back to school, and then Wednesday night/Thursday morning we got some snow, and ridiculously cold temps, so Thursday and Friday were snow days. Over the weekend we just tried to keep warm, and Sean worked from home a ton, and we started the school routine again today. This week is going to be a busy one though. The kids have stuff going on two nights this week. They get out early one other day, and then I have my ultrasound at the hospital Thursday afternoon, and an appointment with my ob Friday morning. By the time next weekend rolls around I'm going to be ready for the extra day Sean and the kids have off.
I can't believe I'm already 20 weeks pregnant and it's time for the 'big" ultrasound. We are not finding out the sex of the baby, which I know disappoints some of you, but I'm just hoping for a healthy baby swimming around in there. I will let you all know how it goes by the end of the week. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

New year, new adventures

Another year has passed in what feels like the blink of an eye. I can't definitively say that 2009 was a good or bad year, as it was filled with plenty of both. Things didn't go as I planned or hoped, but when does it ever work out that way? We did a ton of travelling, and created some great family memories. We lost a few loved ones along the way, and gained a few new ones as well. I look back on 2009 with fond memories of the good, and sadness over the bad, but all in all, I am happy and can't complain.
My hopes for 2010 are to worry less about my plans, and try to enjoy the ride a little more. I'm conviced the old saying is true; "We plan, God laughs".