Tuesday, December 4, 2007

santa may be late

As I've mentioned several times already I'm way behind on Christmas stuff this year. I had most of Emma and Nathan's shopping done already, but nothing was bought for Megan, so this past weekend I decided to get online and take advantage of Target's free shipping offer. I was really excited to find most of the stuff I wanted to buy for her on target's site and was patting myself on the back for finishing Megan so easily when I looked at the shipping dates. Umm, yeah, her stuff isn't supposed to be shipped until December 31st! OOPS! I placed my order on November 30, but for whatever reason the items I bought are on a scheduled shipment of 4-6 weeks. So now what? Do I play the waiting game and hope that things ship much sooner than the site estimates? I know Megan won't know the difference if santa arrives late for her, but Emma and Nathan will notice if there are no presents for Megan. Thats just how they are. They are always concerned about their siblings having things too. I'm really bummed because a present I bought for someone else is included in the delayed order. I know they'll understand why their present isn't here on Christmas, but I still feel bad. The thing that really irks me is I got back online two days later to order presents for the girls's birthdays so I wouldn't have to worry about that right after Christmas, and since there is still free shipping, and those items got shipped yesterday. Why can nothing be easy?


  1. I think you should call Target's Customer Service. They may be able to see if they can bump up the shipping dates! Good Luck!

  2. Maybe you can write a letter from Santa and leave it by the presents that says that Megan's presents will be a little late because Santa is making some extra special things for her and he didn't have time to finish them yet. Then when they come you can have another Christmas morning for Megan on a weekend. Emma and Nathan may get really excited about that, too since Santa will be visiting twice. Maybe leave one of Emma and Nathan's presents behind so they have something to open when Megan's come. Good luck!

