Saturday, December 15, 2007

Congratulations Laura

so I am probably the worst friend ever. My really good friend Laura is graduating with her masters degree tonight, and where am I? Sitting on my butt watching tv. It's not like I'm just blowing her off, but I still feel bad that I can't be there for such an exciting day in her life. The weather kind of has me worried and I didn't want to get up their and then have it snow a ton and me not be able to make it home easily and safely. I am so proud of Laura for achieving this. She kind of makes me feel like a loser for accomplishing this with an amazing gpa and being so driven, but I'm very happy for her. She has worked really hard for this and I'm glad this day has finally arrived, although probably not even half as happy as she is. So we want Laura to know we are all here chearing her on, even if we couldn't make it tonight. Love you Auntie Laura!

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad at all - I'm glad you guys didn't go - the roads were horrible! I wouldn't have gone if I didn't have to! Plus, graduations are never that exciting anyways :)

    ~Auntie Laura
