Tuesday, April 21, 2009

what the people want

I know all you really care about are pictures of the kids, and since I just can't stand sitting here while uploading pictures, I don't do it often. And, since I don't upload a tone of pictures, I know not many of you want to read a bunch of posts about the boring events at our house. okay, so things aren't really boring, how can they be with 4 kids, but I would not describe them as entertaining. So here are a few quick updates on everyone, and then on to the pics, I promise!

-Sean's new job means he works at night, A LOT! He is still with the same company, but is doing a more technical job, which means all the work done on servers and other email technology I don't pretend to understand has to be done during non-working hours, which just so happen to be from 8pm until sometimes 2am. I am still incredibly grateful he still has a good job, it just sucks that he is spending so much of "our time" working now, especially since he is salary and he gets no overtime for it.

-I have not lost hardly any weight. Granted I'm not really trying very hard, but it's hard to accept that I have to work at it now when I never had to before. I am also hating my iud and can't wait to have it removed. I got it when Jackson was 6 weeks old thinking it would be the perfect birth control since I didn't have to do anything with it for 5 years, but I hate it. It makes me feel pregnant all the time. And we all know how much I love feeling like that.

-Emma still has a decent amount of school left because of all her snow days. But at least now she's enjoying it and she is so smart it's scary. She's loves to read and wants to do it all the time.

-Nathan is getting excited about starting kindergarten. He is already registered, and so now we just wait for August to get here. He graduates from preschool in less than a month. I will be so glad when I don't have to drive a kid to school anymore and I can just put them both on the bus.

-Megan is too cute for her own good. I have to admit that she gets away with a lot because of it too. Which is probably part of the reason Nathan picks on her all the time. She also still refuses to even sit on the potty. I'm afraid we're in for a long road with her on that.

-Jackson is such a good baby, and he's so chubby and snugly... Uggh, I just love it! He finally rolled over a few weeks ago, and now we can't keep him on his back for anything. He is such a smiley guy and has started laughing out loud some too. But usually he just gets a super big smile and squeals when he's really happy. He goes to the doctor for a checkup tomorrow, so we'll have all his stats then.

oh and a couple more things:
1-don't forget the March for Babies walk is this coming Saturday. There is still time to donate or join our team. There is a link at the top of my blog
2-a friend who had her baby prematurely last year is wanting to make a big donation to the Nicu as part of celebrating her son's first birthday. Check out her post about it here. You can contact her or me if you want to give anything.
3-We are heading to Florida in less than 2 months. I'm so freaking excited about this, even though I'm going to look like Shamu!
and on to the pics
Megan making a silly face
My nephew who just turned one
Easter Egg hunt at grandmas
Jackson says, "huh?"
all the grandkids, not everyone is smiling, but they are all looking.

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