Got some good news on Friday. Jackson actually grew 2 inches, and gained almost 4 pounds in the last 6 months. I think I breathed the biggest sigh of relief in the pediatricians office when he told me those numbers. The doctor said Jackson is obviously still small, but he gained and grew taller, and actually moved up in the percentiles as well, so he's not really concerned at all. I cannot tell you how much better I feel about Jackson being such a little guy.
Unfortunately we also got a little crappy news on Friday, I'm still sick! I came down sick back on November 14th, and my body still hasn't kicked this crap. I am now onto round 3 of antibiotics to try to clear up this nasty sinus infection I have. I have to go back to the doctor in 3 weeks for another check to see if everything has cleared up. Also, the doctor did some bloodwork on me just to make sure everything else is working properly, and to find out why I've been so tired. My fingers are crossed it's nothing serious and just a side-effect of being a mom of 5, lol!
aw, that is good to hearr! Yay Jackson! HOpe you feel better soon!!!