Yesterday was our 6th anniversary, and to celebrate we had my mom babysit and then Sean and I went out to eat, went to the spa at the Four Seasons and got a room there for the night. It was our first entire night out without any kids in a very long time, and it was fabulous!!!! I seriously wish we could have had an extra day or two for just us. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I also love my husband and feel like we don't get much time just for us anymore. Sadly that's not going to change anytime soon with our newest addition on the way. 5 kids is a lot to ask of anyone for any length of time. Hopefully when they are a little older and more self-sufficient, asking a grandparent or two to keep them for a weekend won't be such a major undertaking.
Anyway, we had a great day/night together and can't wait to do it again next year. I think instead of gifts we're going to do something like this instead whenever possible. Quality time together is much better than any gift from a store. :)
Happy Anniversary you two! I hope you both enjoyed your weekend of pampering and each other. I am jealous you got to do it. Maybe for our anniversary in May.