Tuesday, March 3, 2009

confession time

I'm not nearly as frugal as I could be, probably not even half, but I feel like it's time to start changing that. I know everyone is talking about the bad economy right now, but honestly we have not really been affected by it. Sure our health insurance costs a little more this year, and our copays did go up, but Sean still has his job, and he didn't take a pay cut this year, so we are really doing ok. Even though we have been so lucky, I'm beginning to realize how stupid I've been by not doing a little extra work to save a lot of money. Groceries are getting more and more expensive, and as the kids get older they are eating more as well, so I think it's time for me to get off my lazy butt and do more to save on everything. This could prove to be interesting since I've never done it, but I'm ready to commit if it means cutting our grocery bills in half. I'll be sure to post an update on how successful, or not, I am with this. I plan to do lots of online coupon hunting, so if anyone has any tips or websites to share I'd love them.


  1. I don't know where you shop but often [maybe even weekly] shop n save does $10 off $50 in groceries. When I shop for just two of us it's usually over $100 so to be able to knock that down to $80 is amazing!! It excludes certain things but I'm sure it could save you some money.

  2. Sorry--just saw this pop up on MSN too...


  3. Hey Cheryl, Check out some of the Money Saving Blogs on the side of my blog. They are very helpful! I have just started getting back into using coupons and getting free or almost free things every week! Good Luck!

  4. I started doing this a few weeks ago - it really does add up. I just buy a Saturday paper every week and clip the coupons that I know I will use. I don't clip any that I don't usually buy because then I will just buy stuff because I have a coupon and that defeats the purpose. I also signed up for daily e-mails from STLMommy.com - she sends a daily e-mail with rebates, coupon offers, and lists all of the area ads. She does a lot of the work for you! Good luck! Even just with the two of us I save at least $50 a month doing just this and it's really not that time consuming.

  5. Schnucks has 10 for $10 sales, when they do I stock up. Dierbergs has sales on meat, when they do I stock up and freeze it. We found a great butcher by us, their ground beef is on sale this week for $1.99 a pound, so find a good butcher, most of the time their prices are lower than the supermarkets.
