Monday, July 14, 2008

18 weeks

Went to the doctor tonight, and he said everything looks great. I gained a lot this last month, but I knew I would since we were on vacation and I ate whatever I wanted. I'm kind of resigned to trying to eat decently and not really worry about the numbers on the scale. I hate stressing about my weight, and it doesn't seem to do me much good when I'm pregnant because I usually gain the same regardless of if I'm obsessing about what I eat or not.
Anyway, the baby's heartrate was in the 150's, which is normal, and my blood pressure was surprisingly good. I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks, but I have my big ultrasound in just two weeks. Normally this would be when we would find out boy or girl, but we don't want to know again this time, so we'll all find out in December.


  1. Yay! I'm glad to hear that everything is going well - and that your blood pressure is normal :-)

  2. HEY there! I'm glad to hear things are going well! :)

  3. oops...having. :)

  4. I can not wait until December to meet the new little one. I keep seeing so many cute clothes and I am holding back on buying anything b/c I know you will end up haveing the opposite! lol.
