Tuesday, July 29, 2008


The ultrasound went great. Everything looked just as it should and the bay was measuring perfectly based on the due date I was given. The tech also said the baby weighs about 12 ounces now. I told Sean if the baby only weighs 12 ounces, why have I gained waay more than that? Can someone explain this to me? The only thing that bothers me a little is that the baby is breach right now, but we have 20 weeks for it to turn, so I'm not too concerned yet. If we get close to my due date and the baby is still breach I will be talking to my doctor about turning the baby. I do not want a c-section if I can avoid it. I know c-sections aren't bad, but I will do what I can to avoid having one. And here is a picture we got today.

Monday, July 28, 2008

home again

I'm home again. I went back to Cloud 9 for the last 11 days. Sean came down both weekends to help us set up the camper and put everything away. My cousin came down for the week with her two kids and everyone had such a great time. I did not want to come home at all. But, I have my ultrasound at the hospital tomorrow, so I kind of had to. If I could have things my way I would live at Cloud 9 all summer. I will post tomorrow and let everyone know how my ultrasound went. Remember we are not finding out this time if it's a boy or girl, and I'm considering writing that on my forehead in permanent marker this time so the tech can't forget.

Monday, July 21, 2008

18 months old

I feel like time is going by so fast, and yet Megan is advancing at such a slow rate, that each month brings nothing new to report. She is still not talking much, but trying to repeat more and more often. She is quite stubborn though and I'm pretty sure she can say way more than she's letting on. She loves to be read to, and some days I feel like that's all I do is read books, so it's not like she's not being exposed to things that would help her learn. She's just taking her time.

We have changed her crib into the toddler bed configuration now and she's doing great with it. No falling out or climbing out to play. She still cries every night at bed time, but she's always been a crier at bed time, no matter what we do. Please don't tell me I'm being awful letting her cry every night at bed time. It usually lasts less than two minutes, and she's not screaming or freaking out. I think it's how she winds herself down. Us going in there only makes it much worse.

She is also the child who is always crying at the store. She hates to be in the cart, but I can't stand to chase her around while trying to shop, and my belly is getting to big to comfortably wear her in any of the carriers we currently have. So she cries almost the entire time we are at the store, and I do my shopping pretending not to notice. Most women want to help or ask me if she wants something. I just tell them she's just my fit thrower, and really that's all it is. She throws fits way more often than Emma and Nathan ever did. Thank good ness she's my third child and not my first. IF she were my first I'd go crazy trying to please her. Now I know just to wait it out and she'll get over it quicker than if I try to fix it. So if you are ever in the grocery store and you see us, run the other way so you don't have to endure the crying.

Monday, July 14, 2008

18 weeks

Went to the doctor tonight, and he said everything looks great. I gained a lot this last month, but I knew I would since we were on vacation and I ate whatever I wanted. I'm kind of resigned to trying to eat decently and not really worry about the numbers on the scale. I hate stressing about my weight, and it doesn't seem to do me much good when I'm pregnant because I usually gain the same regardless of if I'm obsessing about what I eat or not.
Anyway, the baby's heartrate was in the 150's, which is normal, and my blood pressure was surprisingly good. I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks, but I have my big ultrasound in just two weeks. Normally this would be when we would find out boy or girl, but we don't want to know again this time, so we'll all find out in December.

sad sad day

Well it's official, Inbev has bought AB. As a girl raised in St. Louis and was taught that there is no beer other than Ab products, I'm really sad about this deal. Now we are in for more waiting to see if Sean's job will be spared. We are hoping to make it at least until the end of the year so we have health insurance to cover the birth of this baby. There is no way we can afford a delivery out of pocket, so we're hoping for the best at this point. I am stressed beyond belief about all of this, and I think Sean is too. But Sean doesn't seem to want to talk about it at all. I'm not sure if he thinks it will make me more upset knowing he is worried, or if it's just one of those weird "I'm a guy and we don't talk about our feelings," kind of things. Anyway, I hate being such a downer, but this really is a sad day for me. I keep telling myself we'll be ok even though I don't know how things are going to end up. I have to tell myself that or I'll go nuts!

Ps. I go to the doctor tonight, so hopefully my blood pressure won't be frighteningly high.

Here is the latest story from our local nbc news station KSDK

Anheuser-Busch and InBev announced the merger together during a Monday morning web conference with stock analysts and large stockholders.

InBev CEO Carlos Brito and Anheuser Busch President and CEO August Busch IV were both on the call.

"We went thorugh some difficult times together and our employees did as well?but in the end, this is a friendly transaction?and we are going to work very hard for our new shareholders," said Busch IV

The $52 billion merger won't happen until at least the end of 2008. The deal is $70 a share and comes just a week after A-B sued InBev saying the firm was launching an illegal scheme.

Brito said the combined company, of which A-B will be a subsidiary, will work on saving money, as much as $500 billion a year over three years.

"We'll deliver annual cost synergies of at least $1.5 billion phasing on the next thre years buidlling on A-B Blue Ocean Plan," said Brito. "This does not include significant revenue from combining our businesses."

Brito said the new company will retail the Clydesdales as a marketing tool, and he doesn't see any changes at Grant's Farm, which is owned by a Busch family trust.

Employee buyouts have already begun at A-B, under the Blue Ocean Program. People who are over 55-years-old are being offered early retirement. Those letters went out 10 days ago.

August Busch IV will keep his job. He will serve on the new company Anheuser Busch InBev's board as a director. But, he will no longer have a management role.

Brito said all 12 U.S. beer factories will stay open.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're home

We're home finally. We had a great vacation, and I did not want to come home at all. Coming back to the real world is definitely a bummer for all of us. I actually thought about staying at Cloud 9 with Sean's dad and sister, but Emma wasn't feeling great, so I decided to come home. Hopefully we'll get to go back very soon. I love it there.
The lake was high as I said before, but we still had lots of fun. It's hard not to have fun being on vacation with 31 people that are some of our best friends. Yes, there really are 31 of us that vacation together, but we all have our own cabins so we don't go completely insane. Sean's dad let us borrow his boat again. I don't know what we'd do without the wonderful family we have.

Cloud 9 was also lots of fun, but very hot. We spent lots of time riding 4-wheelers and swimming in the pool and playing in the creek/river.

In other craziness, when I got home yesterday and called my mom to let her know we made it home safely, I found out my brother was in the hospital with acute appendicitis. He had surgery last night and is already home tonight, which seems way to soon to me, but I'm not a doctor. Thank goodness he's ok, but now my sister-in-law has a 3 year old, a 3 month old, and a husband recovering from surgery to take care of. So let's hope he recovers quickly.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So far vacation has been great. Megan hasn't been feeling well though, so she and I stayed off the lake today so she can rest and I could wash her diapers. The weather has been great and the kids have had so much fun. The water is super high, as I thought it would be, but it's still somewhat clear.
Megan on the boat

Popsicle night (there are more kids than this that are down there with us)

Maddie jumping off "Big E" Normally it is much higher.