Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Anniversary...

... to us! It's hard to believe we've been married 4 years today. Sometimes it seems like less, but most days it feels like more. Not because being married to Sean is bad or difficult, but because we've been through so much. We have 3 beautiful healthy children and a great house and I'm so happy. Things are not always easy in our life, in fact things are rarely easy, but we always get through it together. Sean is definitely my rock. He doesn't let things get to him, and him staying calm and level-headed helps me to get through things sanely. If it weren't for him I'm sure I'd have gone off the deep end long ago! There are plenty of days that I get so frustrated I want to kill him, but it is really hard to stay mad at him. I don't know how I got so lucky to end up with someone so wonderful.
As far as celebrating today, I doubt we'll do anything too exciting. It's a Wednesday and Megan still won't take a bottle, so it's not like we can go far. I'd love to plan a weekend getaway for just Sean and I, but there are two problems with that. One, we need a babysitter willing to put up with all 3 kids for a whole weekend, which is a lot to ask of anyone; and two, I would have to be willing to leave the kids with someone for a whole weekend. It's not that I wouldn't trust who I'd be leaving the kids with, it's just hard to leave my babies and be far away from them.
Anyway, I just want to say thank you to Sean for sticking by my for the last 4 years, throughout all the happiness and craziness, and I'm looking forward to many more together.
And now, some pictures from our wedding day.

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