Saturday, September 8, 2007

our fans

Alright all you readers, I want to know who is out there keeping tabs on our family. Ok, really I'm just nosey and want to know who reads my posts. Maybe someday I can get Sean to post on here and give you all a real treat! So leave a comment and let me know who you are. :)


  1. I'll play. :) I love reading's one of my nightly rituals after the kiddos are in bed.

  2. I read at least two or three times a week! Hope you're feeling better :)


  3. Cheryl- I check your blog a few times a week. I love reading about your family, even though we are so far away. Tell Sean that we said "hey". Can't wait to see if he posts!

  4. I'm working on sean, but I have a feeling it will be awhile since he only reads the blog once a month!

  5. I read your blog often. I love seeing the pictures you post! Keep it up!

  6. Hey, I read it at least a couple of times, every time I'm home!! LOve seeing the pictures, and the updates on what's going on.

    Sean's Dad
