Thursday, April 24, 2008

15 months old

Now that Megan is 15 months old it's time for another update. Both she and Emma had their checkups on Tuesday. Megan is 18 pounds 4 ounces and 30 inches long. So she is staying on track with her percentages, even though she is tiny. Her pediatrician said she is right on track with everything and looks great. He also said he's not surprised that she isn't talking much. Being the third child means she doesn't really have to talk to get what she wants. He also said she would be more likely to be ahead in her gross and fine motor skills because of trying to keep up with the older two. Both statements are true. She walked earlier than our other two kids did, but still doesn't have as many words as a lot of other 15 month olds. She does talk, but not a lot. Most of her words are centered around animals and the noises they make, and her newest word is baby. Which sounds almost like bye-bye, so you have to know the context to be sure which word it is. So she's doing great and is healthy and loving the warm weather we've been having.
Emma is also right on track with her growth and development. I don't have her numbers in front of me, but she is in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. So she's a good size and proportionate. She also got her last round of shots for quite a while, and thank goodness because she cries more than Megan when she gets a shot. So, yay for healthy kids. Nathan goes in June for his check-up and Megan has to go back in July for her 18 month check-up. Even when our kids are healthy we are constantly at the doctor!
In other news our friends Nick and Melissa had their baby last week. We saw them in the hospital and their little one is so adorable and sweet. Our neighbor also had their baby Sunday and they came home Tuesday and I got to see him briefly. Our neighbor drove herself to the hospital in labor and was getting close to delivery when she arrived. I am in shock she drove herself. Anyway, they had a 9 pound baby boy and he is such a cutie too. I cannot believe how many people around us have had babies in just the last few months. Congratulations to everyone on their new additions.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

new additions

Our new nephew, Cole, arrived today. He was born at 1:53pm and is 6 pounds 15 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long. Which is kind of tiny compared to our kids. Even Megan, our smallest, was a whole pound heavier. The baby and my Sister-in-law are doing great, and Caleb is so happy his little brother finally arrived. Aren't they all adorable?

I also wanted to share some pictures of our new niece since I have yet to do that. Sean's siter had her baby in February and they came to visit Easter weekend. She is such a sweet baby too. I love babies!